Celestial ​Ephemera

Ramsgate Beach

New South Wales

Architecture: Zane Carter Architects

Interior Design: Zane Carter Architects

Builder: Dimitcon


Inspired by the ephemeral brilliance of a shooting star, this ​architectural concept captures the fleeting elegance and ​dynamic motion of a celestial event. The design translates ​the star's transient beauty into a spatial experience through ​a masterful integration of light, reflective materials, and ​organic forms.

The structure adopts a staggered, undulating form that ​mirrors the swift, ephemeral path of a shooting star. This ​design approach imparts a sense of dynamic movement, as ​if the building itself were in the midst of its celestial journey.

Shinning bright

Innovative lighting strategies are employed ​to simulate the star's shimmering effect. ​Curvilinear and asymmetrical elements ​echo the star’s graceful trajectory, creating ​a seamless flow that conveys both motion ​and elegance.

dissolving ​boundaries

The staggered, reflective structure ​invites occupants into an immersive ​spatial experience. The interplay of ​light and form fosters a unique ​atmosphere where the boundaries ​between interior and exterior ​dissolve, offering a sense of celestial ​wonder and fluidity.

e: info@zanecarterarchitects.com.au

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